I have a few classes in the works that are not quite finished yet. However, should you have interest in any of these, please contact me and we can discuss what I have so far, and potentially prioritize the topic you are interested in.
If there is a topic you would like me to talk/teach about, let me know. I will happily work with you to fill your education needs if it is within my power and knowledge base to do so.
The Challenges of Being a Female Dominant
A discussion of the behavioral, emotional and intellectual differences between Female and Male Dominants, and the many challenges a FD (Female Dominant) has to overcome to establish herself.
Most of these concepts apply to every female-identified person that has to live in today’s primarily heterosexual, hetero-normative, patriarchal society.
However, since I am teaching from personal experience only, the class is presented from a cisgender female viewpoint, trying to establish herself in a primarily heterosexual cisgender male-dominated world.
Relationship Toolbox
This class will teach tools to help you be successful in your P/E relationships. It deals specifically with advanced planning for crisis prevention and management, if crisis could not be avoided. I also look at EOR procedures (End Of Relationship) that can help exiting out of a relationship with minimal damage and/or drama.